Warning signs
Talking or making threats about suicide
Previous attempts at suicide
Statements revealing desire to die
Alcohol and drug abuse
Sudden changes in behavior
Self-loathing or self-destructive behavior
Anxiety, low mood, withdrawal or hopelessness
Making final arrangements, giving away possessions
Purchasing a gun or stockpiling pills​
What to do
Talk to them about their feelings.
Tell someone – Suicide is preventable. Tell someone you both trust or someone your friend trusts. Tell an adult.
Take Action: Take your friends cry for help seriously. Talk to an adult you trust. Don’t be alone in helping your friend
Parents can support the child, listen, don’t criticize or get angry. Find help for your child. Become informed.
In acute crisis- do not leave your friend’s side. Call 911.
Additional Resources for Mental Health Recovery
Suicide and Crisis Center of North Texas - ​​Helping those in crisis, especially suicidal crisis, find hope for the future.
214-828-1000 or 800-273-8255
Jordan Harris Foundation